Pipe dreaming Anthony Morris rants away on what best for keeping corporation directives alive in their young ones and not to send their kids to get a good education.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
The Anal Retentive Biblical Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower infreud came up with the idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/anal_retentiveness.
i would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.. the garden of eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.. working on a saturday= death penalty.
mandatory blue thread and fringes on all israelite garments.. death penalty for touching the ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.. exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.. grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.. threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.. loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
Brokeback Watchtower
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Feb 2018 jwbroadcasting train wreck!
by stuckinarut2 inoh wow!.
the feb2018 broadcast is an absolute masterclass in cult manipulation, and a prime example of the high control nature of the society!.
if you haven't watched it, be prepared for some really disturbing stuff, especially as they address children, and guilt them into jw activity.
Brokeback Watchtower
What a drag for that young person to be used in that way by this organization. I hope his parents sue the corporation for using him as a poster boy for the corporation.I also hope the lawyers working in custody cases use this, as well as those have child molestation cases too. This indoctrination of how to use your time in serving the WT corporation financial exploitation of children.
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The Anal Retentive Biblical Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower infreud came up with the idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/anal_retentiveness.
i would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.. the garden of eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.. working on a saturday= death penalty.
mandatory blue thread and fringes on all israelite garments.. death penalty for touching the ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.. exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.. grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.. threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.. loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
Brokeback Watchtower
I agree one would have to be very anal retentive to make it to the top CEOs of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization or Governing Body, tight ass AM#3 a prime example of just how anal you have to be to make it to the number 1 club. I'm also quite sure that every GB Helper will be just as bad.
A virtual zoo of anal retentive yes men hoover around the Governing Body. Which means exponential grow in anal retentiveness as each work at out doing the other with spastic tunnel vision as they all keep their eyes on the non existent prize.
Will Artificial Intellegence Make The Human Race Extinct?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think we will become a singularity both respecting each other and working toward a common goal wisdom and benefits. I don't fore see any hostile take over but more like a one hand washes the other type of scenario. Best of both worlds combined.
Technological singularity
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/technological_singularity.
the singularity" redirects here.
for other uses, see singularity (disambiguation).the technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity)[1][2] is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.
"Jehovah" and the less emphasized "Jesus." WHY?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere has always been less emphasis on jesus, and more on the name jehovah.
if jesus played for the wtbts baseball team, he would play right field.
he would be good enough to start but by playing right field, he wouldn't see too many baseballs hit his way.
Brokeback Watchtower
Because Jehovah is meaner and crueler than Jesus. The Old testament deity Jehovah has a vicious temper that flares up over trifle infractions and is super judgmental, were as Jesus tells us to stop judging people.
Jehovah fits in better with scare tactics to keep the believers in subjection to the watchtower corporation than a merciful nonjudgmental Jesus.
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Artificial Intelligence Is Here "Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I. "
by Brokeback Watchtower inour world is about to change big time.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnuyctuzjpm.
Artificial Intelligence Is Here "Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I. "
by Brokeback Watchtower inour world is about to change big time.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnuyctuzjpm.
The Anal Retentive Biblical Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower infreud came up with the idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/anal_retentiveness.
i would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.. the garden of eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.. working on a saturday= death penalty.
mandatory blue thread and fringes on all israelite garments.. death penalty for touching the ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.. exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.. grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.. threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.. loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
Brokeback Watchtower
Freud came up with the idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_retentiveness
I would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.
The garden of Eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive Jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.
Working on a Saturday= death penalty
Mandatory blue thread and fringes on all Israelite garments.
Death penalty for touching the Ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.
Exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.
Grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.
Threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.
Loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
(Job 37:23) Understanding the Almighty is beyond our reach; He is great in power, And he never violates his justice and abundant righteousness.
(Exodus 34:7) showing loyal love to thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but he will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.”
(Numbers 25:3, 4) So Israel joined in worship of the Ba′al of Pe′or, and Jehovah became enraged with Israel. 4 Jehovah said to Moses: “Take all the leaders of these people and hang them up before Jehovah in broad daylight, that the burning anger of Jehovah may turn back from Israel.”
(Judges 2:20) Finally Jehovah’s anger blazed against Israel, and he said: “Because this nation has violated my covenant that I commanded their forefathers and they have disobeyed me,
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No Bible = No God?
by menrov insome doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.